I think most of everyone out there will agree with me, that we should express our love...but may vary in a way of doing it...and some of you wouldn't agree with me that every love should be express...perhaps we love someone who we at first place shouldn't feel like that, but the feeling just grow day by day...so, can't express
the love between spouse...between man and girl..as romeo and juliet, without expression the love be left vanished! expression in this medium is so utmost needed...you express or you ruin it! by express you make it tighter...deeper and thicker! so, we can't say no way to the expression unless we felt in a forbidden zone..like felt to fren's wife or boss' wife hua..hua..hua...
the love between son and parents...or vise versa..is so much value, indeed have a very high impact to those person...that's why we can see in some famili, their feel of belonging and loving so obvious, at anywhere they can talk, lough and sit together to do their chores and etc. etc. but in some famili, the relationship at range, just involve in formal talk, no kidding at all and on some occassion, they seem like not to belong under one roof...everyone going on their own way, split and cut off...
who should start the link?...i mean the link of love? make it prosper as how chinese make it with their prosperity meals...prosperity pray etc..etc..one should say, let them doing on their way, we on our...yeah, its possible...but its not wrong to us as kid to start before parent, youngers before elders...easily, the love will grew soon as love need things to grow and flourish blueberry...
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