Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Which which to follow?

Recently, too many things to ponder around us, especially in our local politic matters. Is it our leader, most of them, work for the benefit of their people? or for the benefit of their own family? to be more accurate, is it exactly for their own pocket?

1. when we talk about appointing our family in any of the government company, is the consideration was based on the qualification?, or the intention to grab our own flesh to get the good income and post, which come first in our mind?

2. even though we proud that many muslims all over the world, do we proud that many muslims also go against themselves, killing each other in this same world? like in iran, iraq, pakistan, afghanistan etc...without unity and unanimous intention to be together, to get strong and well respect? even in Malaysia, we chosed to be separated by different political ideology even we admitted that we shared the same faith! but cannot share the same party...??? we believed others than our own muslims's fren..

3. some of us go for the good talker who have a sweet words, than the good governant to manage the country...yes, sweet words could attract people to follow, but couldn't assure the right of people to be respected, as what happened in Terengganu before, the leaders want to hold many posts as they are the only qualified person than others...

4. many things done by our leaders today need to be value and put into people's consideration everyday, every minute and every second, so as to ensure they are really work for the people, not people have to work for them, they are the chosen one, to be the ebst and to do and to perform the best, not just to show off that they are the best in corruptions!

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